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October 05, 2005

Software training

Ian Nikki and myself have just spent 2 days learning to use Mimics, which takes images produced by medical scanners and turns them into 3D computer models. CT scans are used to look at bone tissue, and MRI is better suited to the imaging of soft tissues. The main purpose of modelling these scans to to provide better visualisation of a patient's body.

Ian is lead by Anika in the image below, cleaning up a model of a knee joint:

3D data can also be output as solid objects for medical staff to rehearse complex surgery. The image below shows a skull which has been printed from files processed in Mimics, using a rapid prototyping machine. Prosthetics can then be modelled to fill the hole in the floor of this patients eye, well in advance of the operation. Using similar techniques, Biojewellery anticipates a time when cells will be grown into precise shapes, to fit the damaged area with new bone.

Posted by tobie at October 5, 2005 06:07 PM
