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October 05, 2005

Discovery Filming

We spend a day filming with a production company. Based in Australia, they make features which get aired on discovery Channel, which was a great oppurtunity for the project. Michael Venning came along to document the day, and Michelle and Ashley came in to talk about their reasons for getting involved. Image below is of Ian, who has not made an appearence on the site yet, and below that a break-down of the filming schedule.

Saturday September 17th:
07.40-08.30-Drive to Walthamstow
08.30-10.45- film couple, Michelle and Ashley at their home in Walthamstow
10.45-11.30-Drive to Hatton Gardens
11.30-13.00-Film Michele and Ashley in two jewellery stores and on the street.
13.30-14.00-Drive from Hatton Gardens to Guys Hospital
14.00-18.00-I/V Dr Thompson and mock up (to some degree the process of putting osteoblasts onto platform) at Guy's Hospital.
18.00-20.30-wrap and drive to Canterbury

Tuesday September 20th:
07.30-08.45-Film pretties around London Bridge
08.45-09.30-Drive to RCA
09.30-12.00-Film various sequences at the RCA involving Nikki and Tobie
13.00-15.00-Michele and Ashley join us at the RCA to film their sequence with Tobie and Nikki.
15.00-16.00-Drive to Guy's Hospital and set up for mock wisdom tooth extraction with Dr Thompson.
16.30-film mock preparation of Michelle's wisdom tooth extraction and tiny mock up of Ashley in the chair at Guys Hospital...

Posted by tobie at October 5, 2005 06:29 PM
