10 March 2010

Object Fair

This evenings design and social sciences seminar is the last in this years series, and will feature contributions from Kat Jungnickel, Jennifer Gabrys and Joe Malia. Here we bring together a range of objects that relate to the theme of the seminar series, which is of course the shared Objects of Design and Social Science.

Kat is talking about an exhibition of her PhD work, that “explored the innovative practices of suburban technology (wifi and bike) makers operating on the fringes of established centres of innovation”. Jennifer’s object is dirt, a “mutable, fuzzy and messy object”, and Joe starts with a project using beads, that has been recently developed into an interdisciplinary research project.

We start at 4pm and finish with some refreshments in the studio at 6pm. Documentation of the event will be available shortly here.

Design and Social Science seminar series

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